Sunday, March 28, 2010

Warming up...sort of :)

It's so nice having some days that have been nice enough to work outside all day! And I'm telling you, I am glad that one of my kiddies was on my back, so I only had to chase 4 (plus the two dogs) ;)

The garden is pretty much prepped (tilled, raked, and staked) and we have planted beets and onions. I don't know what to expect, but I'm hopeful.

I can tell you right now, I planted my squash too early. They are overgrowing their 2nd pots, and are just getting too gangly-looking. I'm going to start praying for them I think. The flowers I planted are doing well...I think they will do fine. The cucumbers and the cantelope are also doing well, but the watermelons died (I planted some new ones but they haven't sprouted yet). If I had it to do over, I would plant the squash and gourds about now instead of last month.

I got a seed planting guide from J&L...when I can get my scanner working, I'll post it on here.

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