Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sod, Spinach, and the Window Wells.

Tomorrow, we are getting our sod. I have tilled, and tilled, till my tiller was tuckered (or maybe it was just out of gas. I have raked, and plucked out thousands of little tubers and roots that used to be day lilies and mint, and ferns, etc. I hauled in 3 truck loads of manure, and then I tilled some more, and then I raked some more, so I think we're finally ready :)

Our spinach is doing awesome! I think I found it's happy place in the yard.

And guess what?! I found something that likes growing in my south facing window wells....gourds!!! I told you I planted way too early in my basement, right?! Well, I put them in the window well, hoping they would be a little protected from the frost, and they are doing better than the ones I put in the walls of water. I am kind of excited to see how they do :)

The Monday after Mother's Day is when I'm planning on doing my plant buying for my garden.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Next year...

So I already have a long list of things I would do differently NEXT year :)

I wouldn't plant my squash, cantelope, watermelon or cucumbers inside until around April Fools Day. I am trying to resurrect the best looking plants in my water walls outside, but I don't have very high hopes. Looks like I'll have to buy a lot of my plants after all :(

The other problem is I planted too many things for the amount of growing light space I had. Once they outgrew their little one inch pony packs and I transplanted into 3" packs, space was sparce in my house , and as a result, they didn't get ideal light, and because they weren't all in one spot. And my watering suffered as well.

The broccoli, spinach, and peas are doing amazing! The peas I planted from seed have all poked through in the last week, so I'm excited to see the difference in the ones I planted from starts.

We also planted our gala apple, mormon apricot, and bartlett pear trees this weekend. I gave them some root starter, and I'll fertilize them later this week. I hope they do okay! I staked them up because they were starting to really lean. A neighbor of mine told me that was bad for them because the wind makes them stronger, but I think I'm going to take my chances for at least a year so they will straighten out. Hopefully that's not a mistake.

The secondary water came on this morning, so Bryan gets to work on getting the sprinklers up and going. Once they are done, we can get the yard leveled and compacted, and then hopefully, SOD!!!