Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sod, Spinach, and the Window Wells.

Tomorrow, we are getting our sod. I have tilled, and tilled, till my tiller was tuckered (or maybe it was just out of gas. I have raked, and plucked out thousands of little tubers and roots that used to be day lilies and mint, and ferns, etc. I hauled in 3 truck loads of manure, and then I tilled some more, and then I raked some more, so I think we're finally ready :)

Our spinach is doing awesome! I think I found it's happy place in the yard.

And guess what?! I found something that likes growing in my south facing window wells....gourds!!! I told you I planted way too early in my basement, right?! Well, I put them in the window well, hoping they would be a little protected from the frost, and they are doing better than the ones I put in the walls of water. I am kind of excited to see how they do :)

The Monday after Mother's Day is when I'm planning on doing my plant buying for my garden.

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