Monday, February 22, 2010

They're up!

Sorry, still no camera, but here is what sprouted in the last couple of days:
Baby's Breath
Butternut Squash
We have been keeping the little plastic 'greenhouse' cover on, but I think I goofed putting different varieties into each of the different pans, because I think you are supposed to take it off once they sprout, and obviously now, some have sprouted and some haven't. Oops.
Also, for fun, I think I am going to grow some wheatgrass with my kids. I have heard it is super easy, and it looks pretty too for decorating, so in a few days here, I may give it a whirl :)

1 comment:

  1. Ok - I answered my own question. Wow! You guys are very ambitious, especially with a newborn! I'm very impressed with the layout plan - you're taking a page from my book; I do that every year. I'm very organized in the beginning until the weeds grow and then I throw up my hands and go to the farmer's market!
