Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tithing blessing of the week!

We have a 2nd abandoned driveway on the west side of our house, which is where the bulk of our yard is. We have been planning on scraping off the gravel and clay and planting sod. As Bryan started this process, the clay was upwards of 12" deep in most areas, so yeah, that's a lot of digging. So we took a sample of our soil from the old driveway (I am going to post pics soon so you'll know what I'm talking about) to J&L (we love that place) to test the pH. Turns out, it has a zero base, but as long as we add some manure (oh how we love our rotting horse manure), we don't have to scrape it at all, they said the sod should grow just fine! This will save us renting a bobcat, and a dumptruck, and probably a back surgery or two! :)

FYI, for those of you who care, horse manure (old, white and black stuff...not the straw-filled new stuff) is the bomb! There are several places locally that you can actually get it for free (email me if you are interested @ It is awesome awesome awesome stuff, it has very little (if any) odor as long as you get the decomposing stuff, and really does a lot for bulking up your plants. I swear by it.

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